MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3080 VENTUS م سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير
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- لدى يمكنك شراء المنتج بطاقة رسومات جي فورس للالعاب بتصميم هندسي من ام سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير، موديل رقم (RTX 3080 Ventus 3X Plus 12G OC LHR)، gddr6x بسعر 6,658.86 SAR
- أفضل سعر ومواصفات ل بطاقة رسومات جي فورس للالعاب بتصميم هندسي من ام سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير، موديل رقم (RTX 3080 Ventus 3X Plus 12G OC LHR)، gddr6x تم تحديثة فى مارس 14, 2025 12:02 ص
- ألاسعار المذكورة توجد فى السعودية
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- لدى يمكنك شراء المنتج بطاقة رسومات جي فورس للالعاب بتصميم هندسي من ام سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير، موديل رقم (RTX 3080 Ventus 3X Plus 12G OC LHR)، gddr6x بسعر 6,658.86 SAR
- أفضل سعر ومواصفات ل بطاقة رسومات جي فورس للالعاب بتصميم هندسي من ام سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير، موديل رقم (RTX 3080 Ventus 3X Plus 12G OC LHR)، gddr6x تم تحديثة فى مارس 14, 2025 12:02 ص
خصم أضافى 10% عند نسخ كوبون تسعيرة الحصرى
MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3080 VENTUS م سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير
المعالج المشترك للرسومات | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 LHR |
العلامة التجارية | ام اس اي |
حجم ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي للرسومات | 12 غيغابايت |
سرعة ساعة وحدة المعالجة الرسومية | 1740 ميغاهيرتز |
واجهة خرج الفيديو | منفذ الشاشة, HDMI |
الشركة المُصنِّعة لمعالج الرسومات | NVIDIA |
نوع ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي للرسومات | GDDR6X |
المكونات المضمنة | بطاقة رسومات؛ دليل الإعداد السريع |
الأجهزة المتوافقة | 3 فتحات PCI Express |
واجهة بطاقة الرسومات | PCI Express x16 |
MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3080 VENTUS م سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير الاسعار
تاريخ السعر
تاريخ السعر ل بطاقة رسومات جي فورس للالعاب بتصميم هندسي من ام سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير، موديل رقم (RTX 3080 Ventus 3X Plus 12G OC LHR)، gddr6x | |
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MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3080 VENTUS م سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير Videos
مراجعات (5)
5 reviews for MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3080 VENTUS م سي اي GDRR6X 384-بت بتقنية او سي مزودة بمراوح نفلينك توركس بمنفذ HDMI/DP بقدرة 3 امبير
Yazeed Mohammed –
منتاز. خرافي
s –
proshigh end /cheapest 3080 12 gbNext i don’t to get you down go for it if this is what you want but i’m going to ultimately review this card, nvidia and pc gaming in general post mining. I feel i need to do this because i’m not just reviewing this card as a 3080, but really as a gaming tool. I actually really am writing this cause i want to help. this is a lot of money and i really have a lot of concerns after trying this.- its’ hot, the memory is especially hot you can undervolt and do all this stuff to fix it. but kind of lame for the cost. I mean fine i’m a cs major i can do it, but it ‘s a hassle and it’s a compromise on a high end card that costs a ton of money.The card:I’m going to be honest here. compared to a 1080ti (i had paid 400 for this) or rx 480 (200) yeah sure it’s faster it’s not that big of a deal. Most games are written for consoles.Let me give you the 1080 ti as an example cyberpunk. 2k monitor 60hz. You will be hard pressed to tell the difference. With fsr you can utterly max out this game and on my 1080ti. On the 1080 ti i’m getting 75f (23 c)temps to maybe 119f , yes F!!!. I put in the 3080 the card is running at 80c. I mean freaking insane. that’s c vs f there. Not a mistake. Granted the 1080ti is an evga, and this is a “cheaper” msi card, but the evga 1080 ti cost me 400 new years ago. now with FSR and soon fsr2 i dont’ see the point. I though ray tracing would be cool. to me it’s not. Actually i dont’ care at all. It doesn’t make much difference to the game ok for me none. So here we go why is this a remotely compelling product. It doesn’t really do anything new, it’s runs way too hot, and it’s at the EOL with nvidia’s business model. They’ll jsut stop supporting it. I think this is a very fair comparison. It’s a card for 5 years ago that was half the cost new, and a level up and competes very favorably in a lot of ways. — This 3080 thing is huge too costly, and overly marked up even after mining. I mean it’s hot as hell. You can undervolt and do all this crap to fix it, but man why am i doing that? It sounds like a jet. I’m using a half x 932 advanced case with insane level of fans. W/o tweaks i’m getting 80c + here.AMD Vs Nvidia.AMd is now supporting nvidia hardware better than nvidia fsr /fsr2. Think about this. Now i finally get it for me this really comes back to raytracing. it’s pretty pointless. I used to use brick and mortar stores to try stuff. Note i LOVE amazon. they are great, but i’d have loved to had seen this card before i bought it. You really cant’ tell form youtube. I dont’ see anything compelling here for the money. I waited 2 years to pay 800 for a overly hot video card. I mean sure if this were 5-600 it might be ok. but 800 why? OK maybe you are a 4k gamer and want 120 hz refresh. this might be for you. I don’t’ see that taking off any time soon with these prices. Look 1060 is still the biggest card on steam for a reason. These are the smart folks if you ask me. i would just get an amd card where they put all the performance toward rasterization, or wait for cards to continue to fall back in prices to where they should be, or get a consoles. there are a ton of options that seem better to me personally. I’m not even anti nvidia, i think amd cards are too costly too. I just think these are even more too costly. Xbox hands down is better deal until these guys adust.Power usage is really high already. I mean the 1080 ti is silent no heat and my computer works much better. and yes i have an very high airflow case with a side panel. Same case same spot my 1080ti is running 90f (Ferinheight) vs the 3080 at 86 c (i was hitting). are you kidding me. I wonder what would happen if i just overclocked my 1080ti to the point it got that hot if there would even be a difference.Vs consoles:here’s the reality. i can get a series x right now on the msft store it’s easy probably even on amazon. completely cant’ tell the difference sure on paper this is faster, but i’ve been down this road before. They optimize the console it close the gap at least a tier higher like 3070 level. I mean that why this card was suppose to be 600 in the first place. It’s always been about flexibility on pc, yes i like mods, i like the online experience it’s great, i like a little extra effects, but seriously i can get a console for half this price easy, and the deal is with the optimizations on that hardware, and trust me it’s no joke, it’s very close. People talk about tflops and such. Sure it’s a little better 1/3 pretty close toa 6700xt actually, but in reality when you have the memory so close to the gpu and cpu and all the crazy optimizations it’s close to a 3070 minimum over time. It’s the truth. Games are cheaper on xbox too you can get used. it’s just a better experience in a lot of ways. Yeah i wanted to pc game but these companies are so out of touch. They aren’t living up to the expectations. Mining is really stupid, just in so many ways, but but where ti’s impacted me is the gpu greed has run these prices up to insane levels. For nothing. This was such a let down. I’ll take xbox over this at these prices even still. I’d really have to think if it was 600. wtih my xbox i’m getting a 3700 cpu, 6700xt gpu and 16gb of ddr6 ram totally focused to gaming, and full attention of devs. This card really should be 500 at this point. They have a ton of supply, it’s on a cheap node, and it’s a hassle because the cooling and power draw sucks.This card was suppose to be 600 2 years ago, it’s 800 now. I ‘m just honestly not satisfied. Go ahead and buy it, but i’m telling you i was disappointed but hey that’s me.These costs are out of control. Compared to the series x i really dont’ think ti’s all that much better in say cyberpunk wither 3 or any of the games i play. In fact other than load times i dont’ think anyone is too worried about cutting edge hardware after 2 years of nobody being able to get it other than for generating fake money.This is my opinion,Ray tracing is insanely overblown. I saw flashes of light. who cares?Nvidia stuff in general: with fsr /fsr2 coming i’m able to get pretty great performance out of much cheaper hardware i don’t need dlss. makes me really question nvidia. i think i’m switching to amd they support old stuff better, and finally their drivers are good anyway now. Yes they sucked before which is why i had left the rx 480 in 1017 for the 1080ti evga for 400 new.This card specifically: This thing is huge too costly, and overly marked up even after mining. These should be like 600 at best. I say screw tsmc too. Raising prices I’d rather just have a cheaper node with new features and slightly less fast. These guys just don’t’ get it. I mean it’s hot as hell. You can undervolt and do all this crap to fix it, but man why am i doing that? It sounds like a jet.PC gaming Don’t’ know guys i’m really starting to question pc gaming. It was always more but even after mining these prices aren’t adjusting fast enough for me. I think i’m going to skip next generation too see if it’s just me. IF it is i’ll stick with consoles or go do something else. If their market share starts to shrink then maybe i’ll consider it. This chip shortage stuff has been going on for several years now. Right it’s nto just gaming. but hey Sony and Microsoft aren’t stupid enough to pay these prices so why should i be. Eventually they have to fix this. Cause other things like computers for work need this stuff too. Maybe it takes a couple more years, possibly not buying this will motivate them, or maybe it won’t. The way i see this is total profit = sales * profit. I think think there is an over emphasis on profit and not on sales number go look at the steam hardware survey.Ultimately i didn’t have any more fun on this than i did on my pascal card. I think i’m going to jump ship on nvidia and switch to amd next, and or sit on my console another generation and re assess if and when prices come down. Pc gaming has just gotten too expensive, too hot, and too much dramma. I ultimately didn’t have much fun dealing with all this, and really just fretted about the money and temps, voltage etc. With my console, or older card i just enjoyed it. Nvidia and really to some extent amd, and these manufactures or whatever we call them have removed all the fun from pc gaming for me. It’s horrible taste in my mouth and i really hated this product when i factored in the cost. Form what i’m hearing of the new ones they are just getting hotter and need like a kilowatt. hell i’d take a 4060-70 for a few hundred if we can do that. It’s probably close to this. So i say whats the rush here. Console is the play at this point in time.IN conclusion if i’m a game developer will i write games for 800 dollar gpus, of course not, and it shows. I mean your lucky to get support for a 400 gpu. yeah it used to be premium you can get more smoke and cool effects for a couple hundred, which is why i have the 1080ti, id’ bite but this is 2x the cost vs the xbox, and it’s not 2x better. It’s like 10% better MAX. The only way you’ll ever see the features of this card full utilized is if nvidia goes in and writes all the games or you really desire super high frame rate. I guess i just dont’’s the fix: sell this card for 500. that would be worth it and actually have some value. Just stay on the cheaper node, and optimize power usage by adding more chip l2 /l3 cache, and using slower ram. Forget about this insanley trillion dollar fab cutting edge stuff. That’s a product i’d actually like to buy. the more i hear the less excited i am for the future. I think after using this that’s the product i’m looking for. I make good money, i like gaming but i’d also like to retire someday. Is this too much to ask?
C. M. –
J’ai eu mon GPU pour environ 2000$ CAD, c’était très cher. Mais la carte est un monstre et tout mes jeux roulent au maximum (ou presque) sur un écran 1440p ultrawide en 240hz. Je le recommande si le prix est bon!
Chrisp20111 –
I bought this card semi-skeptical because it’s an LHR but I found it doesn’t matter much. This GPU burns through any game I through at it. People have also said it runs pretty hot but my temps haven’t gotten above 80 at all. As you can see though I have plenty of airflow as well. For a reference one of the games I play is Battlefield 5. I used to play ultra settings at 2k resolutions with my RTX 2080 and would sit around 60-80 fps which is still pretty respectable. But now I am running at 120-144 fps with this GPU. So this is a massive increase as you can tell. I also played Diablo 2 Resurrected for comparing and it went from 70-90 fps on max graphics as well up to 220+. Anyways it’s a really great card so far and I bought it for a very fair price. If you don’t crypto mine and need to be that person that customizes every little piece of performance then this card is more than enough.
JZ –
Good card gonna last probably for the next 5 generations until rtx 8000 series will show up or something similar. Swapped my old gtx 1070 for rtx 3800 12gb. It draws twice as much power.With the right under volting you can gain about 3% extra boost at 347W.My old gtx 1070 took about 170W max at full load. When I set my 3080 to draw max 170W it’s around 59% faster than 1070 and also way cooler temps.When I let the card go loose taking 350W it’s about 248% faster than my old gtx 1070 For flat screen gaming at 1080p 1070 is enough. If you want to experience some good VR gaming at 4K then this card scratch that itch.