Anker Soundcore Life P2 Mini سماعة اذن لاسلكية انكر ساوند كور لايف
- ألاسعار المذكورة توجد فى مصر
- لدى يمكنك شراء المنتج سماعة لايف بي 2 ميني في الاذن لاسلكية صغيرة ساوندكور لايف بي 2 ميني من انكر بمكبرات صوت مقاس 10 ملم وصوت جهير قوي وموازن صوت و 32 ساعة وبلوتوث 5.2 ومنفذ USB,C لشحن سريع ومقاس صغير للتنقل والعمل أسود بسعر 0 EGP
- أفضل سعر ومواصفات ل سماعة لايف بي 2 ميني في الاذن لاسلكية صغيرة ساوندكور لايف بي 2 ميني من انكر بمكبرات صوت مقاس 10 ملم وصوت جهير قوي وموازن صوت و 32 ساعة وبلوتوث 5.2 ومنفذ USB,C لشحن سريع ومقاس صغير للتنقل والعمل أسود تم تحديثة فى مارس 6, 2025 11:19 م
أنكر سماعة لاسلكية Soundcore life P2 ميني B2C Iteration1
خصم أضافى 10% عند نسخ كوبون تسعيرة الحصرى
Anker Soundcore Life P2 Mini سماعة اذن لاسلكية انكر ساوند كور لايف
الميزات الأساسية
- تقنية LDAC: يدعم ليبرتي 3 برو تقنية LDAC من أجل الحصول على تجربة استماع لاسلكية معتمدة بصوت عالي الدقة. يتم نقل بيانات أكثر ثلاث مرات من جهازك إلى سماعات إيربادز للحفاظ على كل تفصيلة دقيقة في الأغنية.
- نظام الصوت HearID: يعمل نظام الصوت HearID على تحليل الطريقة التي تستمع بها إلى الموسيقى بهدف إنشاء ملف تعريف صوتي مخصص ليناسب أذنك بدقة. حيث يمكن تطبيقه أيضاً في جميع إعدادات المعادل المفضلة لمزيد من التخصيص.
- صوت محيطي ثلاثي الأبعاد: يمكنك الانغماس في صوت محيطي ثلاثي الأبعاد بتأثير ممتد لتجربة مبهرة تغمرك في الأفلام والألعاب والمزيد، حيث تعمل خوارزمية الصوت المحيطي ثلاثي الأبعاد لجهاز ساوند كور على معالجة بيانات الصوت في الوقت الفعلي لتضخيمه
نوع سماعات الصوت | سماعة أذن داخلية |
اسم اللون | لون أسود |
نوع التوصيل | تقنية لاسلكية حقيقية |
بلد المنشأ | الصين |
Anker Soundcore Life P2 Mini سماعة اذن لاسلكية انكر ساوند كور لايف Prices
Price History
مراجعات (15)
15 reviews for Anker Soundcore Life P2 Mini سماعة اذن لاسلكية انكر ساوند كور لايف
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Hatem Elsheikh –
رائعة. السماعة تحفة وصوتها نقي جدا في المكالمات والميوزيك انكر شركة محترمة جدا
شكلها رائع وكواليتي جميلة جداا –
Good sound and noise cancellation. Good product and nice price
Anthony Edward –
The headphones are great but I noticed 3 minor unconviences. The sound is great, plastic and overall quality feels nice, touch controls aren’t the best but I’ll get into detail with that in my points and some other features that were not advertised that it has and some features I wished it had, also a little bit of background I upgraded from xiaomi true wireless earphones liteSo I will get into touch controls: it has a bunch of touch controls which is nice and easy to get used to and makes sense but one of the minor issues about it is that you have to specifically touch the logo on the headphones for it to registerAnd I noticed a feature called AAC when I was connecting which when is on it optimises the sound and overall makes the quality of the sound better so this is something I didn’t see when I was buying but was a welcome surpriseI also noticed that when you switch from an EQ mode to another it just gives you a light ring to tell you it switched but it doesn’t tell you which one you switched to but I have a good memory so I memorise what I’m on anyway and another feature that I noticed is that the design gives a good seal to the ears which almost makes good noise cancellation which really mattered to me because I go to school by a big bus that contains too many kids that are loud so noise cancellation was a matter for me but I am also on a budget so I chose the best i can make and this was a nice choiceAlso I wished it had an infrared sensor which when you remove the headphones from your ear it stops the music or anything you’re playing but it’s not a problem i can easily stop it manually and I noticed a small delay of like what 10 ms? I’m not sure but something like that, not that problematic when you only use it for music listening and rarely watch videos to be honest this is what I use it for the only thing that I sometimes get irritated by when I press pause and it takes like a second to pause which doesn’t matter much but would’ve been nice if it did that, and of course it was easy to set up didn’t take minutes and overall deserves 4 stars, also checked on anker’s verification site and verified the serial number and it said it’s original
Hend –
جيدة مقابل سعرها. بعد استخدام 3 شهور تقريباُ السماعة كويسة على قد سعرها، الصوت و العزل كويسين لكنها ساعات بتتأخر في اللإقتران مع الجهاز أول مرة، و برضه في أوقات بتعلق شوية وبرجعها للعلبة بتاعتها و اطلعها تاني عشان تتظبط. فلو استخدامك مش تقيل و مش دايماً معتمد على السماعة فهي خيار كويس بالنسبة لسعرها القليل نسبياً.و المفروض ان مكتوب لونها أبيض عالعلبة بس هي جاتلي لونها بيج، و لكن اللون كان حلو برضه فماحتاجتش ارجعها.
Mohamed Helal –
Good sound. Amazing product
Ahmed S. –
جيدة بشكل عام. يعيبها المايك مش افضل حاجة و مفيهاش برنامج للاعدادات و لا يوجد عزل ضوضاء
Mohamed shalan –
نصيحة للي هيشتروها. السماعة ممتازة جداً بالنسبة لسعرها و حلوة ولكن فيها عيب واحد فقط بالنسبة لي ولكن مبيأثرش اوي وهو ان في تاخير يعني ثانية او نص ثانية كدة طب يعني ايه يعني لو جايبها عشان جيمنج متجيبهاش بإختصارلو جايبها اغاني يوتيوب تيك توك ممتازة جداً والتاخير مش هتلاحظه خالص وبس كدة
Nehal Nashat –
عظيم بالنسبه للسعر. عظيم بالنسبه للسعر
Yogesh R. –
Señoras y señores, permítanme presentarles los auriculares Bluetooth Soundcore: ¡un absoluto revolucionario en el mundo del audio inalámbrico! No puedo decir que haya probado otras marcas del mercado, ya que soy un fan incondicional de los auriculares con cable. Fabricado en Hong KongEn primer lugar, la calidad del sonido es casi alucinante. Produce un sonido rico y envolvente con agudos nítidos, medios con garra y graves profundos. De hecho, puedes elegir entre el formato de graves o Podcast. Tanto si estás improvisando con tus ritmos favoritos como disfrutando de un podcast, cada nota y cada palabra se escucharán, especialmente si estás en un entorno ruidoso.Pero no se trata sólo del sonido, amigos. El diseño ergonómico garantiza un ajuste cómodo y seguro, lo que le permite llevarlos durante horas y horas sin ninguna molestia. Eso sí, asegúrate de elegir los tapones adecuados.Y hablemos de la duración de la batería. Estos auriculares son una potencia absoluta cuando se trata de resistencia. Con una impresionante autonomía de 5 horas, puedes disfrutar de tu maratón de música sin preocuparte por quedarte sin batería. Además, el estuche de carga ofrece más. Yo utilizo el mío con reuniones en línea que suelen empezar a las 8 de la mañana y terminar a la 1 de la tarde.Pero espere, ¡hay más! Estos auriculares están equipados con controles táctiles inteligentes, para que tenga todo el control al alcance de la mano. Ajustar el volumen, saltar pistas, responder llamadas… todo se puede hacer con un simple toque o deslizamiento. Lo que más me sorprendió fue la CANCELACIÓN DE RUIDO: si estás en la concurrida y ruidosa calle de Madrid o incluso pasando la aspiradora por tu casa, las personas con las que hablaba afirmaban que ni siquiera se habían dado cuenta de que estaba en un entorno ruidoso hasta que se lo dije…Ah, ¿y he mencionado el diseño elegante y estilizado? con una estética moderna y minimalista. Es discreto, negro y se adapta a la forma de tu cabeza, a diferencia de esos auriculares blanquecinos, grandes y feos que a veces parecen los clásicos auriculares Bluetooth del año 2000.Todo en un paquete impresionante. Así que, amigos míos, si estáis buscando llevar vuestra experiencia musical o CONVENIENCIA al siguiente nivel, no busquéis más. Es asequible, en comparación con otras marcas famosas (ya sabéis de cuál hablo; air pods) del mercado, ¡Preparaos para quedaros asombrados!—–Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the Soundcore Bluetooth Earphones—an absolute game-changer in the world of wireless audio! I can’t really say that i’ve tried other brands in the market, as I happen to be a die-hard fan with wired earphones and headsets.First off, the sound quality is close to mind-blowing. It produces rich, immersive sound with clear highs, punchy mids, and deep bass. You can actually choose between bass or Podcast format. Whether you’re jamming to your favorite beats or enjoying a podcast, every note and every word will be delivered ,especially if you are in a noisy environment.But it’s not just about the sound, my friends. The ergonomic design ensures a snug and secure fit, allowing you to wear them for hours on end without any discomfort. Make sure you choose the right plugs though.And let’s talk about the battery life, shall we? These earphones are an absolute powerhouse when it comes to endurance. With an impressive battery life of 5 hours you can enjoy your music marathon without worrying about running out of juice. Plus, the charging case provides more. I use mine with online meeting which can usually start at 8am and finish at 1pm.But wait, there’s more! These earphones are equipped with intelligent touch controls, giving you full control at your fingertips. Adjust the volume, skip tracks, answer calls—everything can be done with a simple tap or swipe. What surprised me was the NOISE-CANCELLATION: if you are on the busy/nosy street of Madrid or even Hoovering your home, the people I was speaking to, claimed that they didn’t even realise I was in a noisy background until I told them so..Oh, and did I mention the sleek and stylish design? with a modern and minimalist aesthetic. It’s discreet, black and fits your head shape unlike those whitish, big and ugly sometimes looking like those classic Bluetooth headsets in year 2000’s.all packed into one impressive package. So, my friends, if you’re looking to take your music experience or CONVENIENCE to the next level, look no further. It’s affordable, in comparison to other famous brands (you know which one I’m talking about ; air pods) in the market, Prepare to be amazed!
Alex –
I recently purchased a pair of wireless earbuds with 10mm drivers, promising big bass, custom EQ, and Bluetooth connectivity. These earbuds have provided me with an immersive sound experience, offering powerful bass, customizable audio settings, and the convenience of wireless connectivity.Pros:Enhanced Bass: The 10mm drivers deliver impressive bass response, adding depth and richness to the audio playback. The powerful low-end frequencies create a more immersive and enjoyable listening experience, particularly for bass-driven genres like electronic, hip-hop, and rock.Customizable EQ: The ability to customize the equalizer settings allows users to fine-tune the audio output to their personal preferences. Whether you prefer a more balanced sound signature or prefer emphasizing specific frequencies, the custom EQ feature provides flexibility.Bluetooth Connectivity: The wireless Bluetooth connection eliminates the hassle of tangled cables and allows for convenient, hands-free listening. Pairing the earbuds with your device is typically straightforward, and the wireless range provides freedom of movement.Comfortable Fit: Many wireless earbuds come with ergonomic designs and various ear tip sizes to ensure a secure and comfortable fit. This ensures long-lasting comfort, even during extended listening sessions or physical activities.Portable and Travel-Friendly: Wireless earbuds are compact and portable, making them ideal for travel. The charging case provides additional battery life, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music on the go without worrying about running out of power.Cons:Battery Life: Depending on the specific model, wireless earbuds may have varying battery life. Some models may offer shorter playback time, requiring more frequent charging or reliance on the charging case for extended use. It’s important to consider your usage patterns and battery needs.Noise Isolation: While wireless earbuds provide a convenient and immersive listening experience, they may not offer the same level of noise isolation as over-ear headphones. This means external sounds may still be audible, especially in noisy environments.Overall, wireless earbuds with 10mm drivers, big bass, custom EQ, and Bluetooth connectivity offer a compelling audio experience. With their enhanced bass response, customizable equalizer settings, wireless convenience, comfortable fit, and portability, they provide an immersive and enjoyable way to enjoy your favorite music or podcasts. While considerations such as battery life and noise isolation should be taken into account, the benefits of wireless earbuds make them a popular choice for on-the-go audio enthusiasts.
Hadeer –
جيد. قيمه مقابل سعر كويسه جدا جدا وبتقعد شغاله وقت طويل
Heidi Yosri –
Would recommend it. Price Cs quality is very good, sound in music is very nice and in calls is above average.. love it
Mohamed Zakaria –
أصلية طبعاً وجودة كويسة جداً. هتناسب الناس اللي بتحب تسمع موسيقي بصوت محترم ولا هو عالي ولا هو واطي صوت نقئ ومحترم جداً وبضمان اتصال وأصلية طبعاً
Lisa –
Product satisfied. I have been received the product Soundcore Bluetooth by anker wireless earbuds was very satisfied the bass was very good, and the sound was perfect.. I’ll give the rate of this product and fast delivery thank you 🙏 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Anthony Edward –
The headphones are great but I noticed 3 minor unconviences. The sound is great, plastic and overall quality feels nice, touch controls aren’t the best but I’ll get into detail with that in my points and some other features that were not advertised that it has and some features I wished it had, also a little bit of background I upgraded from xiaomi true wireless earphones liteSo I will get into touch controls: it has a bunch of touch controls which is nice and easy to get used to and makes sense but one of the minor issues about it is that you have to specifically touch the logo on the headphones for it to registerAnd I noticed a feature called AAC when I was connecting which when is on it optimises the sound and overall makes the quality of the sound better so this is something I didn’t see when I was buying but was a welcome surpriseI also noticed that when you switch from an EQ mode to another it just gives you a light ring to tell you it switched but it doesn’t tell you which one you switched to but I have a good memory so I memorise what I’m on anyway and another feature that I noticed is that the design gives a good seal to the ears which almost makes good noise cancellation which really mattered to me because I go to school by a big bus that contains too many kids that are loud so noise cancellation was a matter for me but I am also on a budget so I chose the best i can make and this was a nice choiceAlso I wished it had an infrared sensor which when you remove the headphones from your ear it stops the music or anything you’re playing but it’s not a problem i can easily stop it manually and I noticed a small delay of like what 10 ms? I’m not sure but something like that, not that problematic when you only use it for music listening and rarely watch videos to be honest this is what I use it for the only thing that I sometimes get irritated by when I press pause and it takes like a second to pause which doesn’t matter much but would’ve been nice if it did that, and of course it was easy to set up didn’t take minutes and overall deserves 4 stars, also checked on anker’s verification site and verified the serial number and it said it’s original